Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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2 entries this month

Healing Time.

02:49 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 831


I felt their presence before I opened the door to Ankh-Re's loft. The ceiling-to-floor curtains were drawn to block out the late afternoon sunlight. In the semi-darkness, I found the Queen and the rest of the Master Vampires gathered in the great room. Why were they all here? I could not explain it, but I felt anger and distrust towards most of them.

I nodded to the assembled group, and they nodded back. "News travels quickly" I finally said, breaking the silence.

When Anthony drove up to the loft, I noticed a white Rolls Royce and other luxury cars on the street; I had assumed that they belonged to Ankh-Re's wealthy neighbors...

Lord Sebastian rose from his seat and walked towards me. "I'll get Lord Ankh-Re from the car" he said softly. I watched him as he gently pulled the sleeping Ankh-Re from the car, tossing him over one shoulder with ease. As he came back through the front door, he mentioned that he would place Ankh-Re on the bed.

I went to the car to retrieve my handbag and the items I took from my safe. Anthony followed me in with Ankh-Re's suitcases. "I'll just place these in the bedroom" he said, eyeing the vampires in awe and fear.

"We won't hurt ya' dude" said Lord Gad, with a wry smile upon his lips. He rubbed his recently shaved head, then wandered off towards the alcove that showcased the Warhol triptych of Ankh-Re. He gave a hearty laugh a moment later.

Queen Makafisa stood up. "I speak for all of us when I say that we are all here to help save our brother in whatever way we can."

'Thank you" was all I could say.

"Now" continued the Queen " We heard that Lord Ankh-Re was very ill, yet we know nothing more. Please tell us - as briefly as possible - what happened."

I told them of the zombie attack, Ankh-Re's symptoms, and how he was currently under the spell of the Lariat of Horus. "It is a blessing that you all are here" I said, not really meaning it. It dawned on me that I wanted to be the one to save Ankh-Re; I wanted to keep him to myself. I had the urge to slap myself for being so selfish, as that selfishness could hurt Ankh-Re instead of helping him.

But, as they were all present, I had an idea on how we could save Ankh-Re; a way to save him with more science and less magic. So, I spoke up.

"I think that the best course of action would be to drain Ankh-Re of as much blood as possible, then infuse him with blood from all of us."

My idea was met with silence. I thought to myself...what selfish bastards.

Eventually, someone spoke up - it was Lord Mikal. "It does seem to be our best alternative." He paused for a moment before continuing. "However - with Lord Ankh-Re taking in our blood, he could become more powerful than us all - and still be zombie-infected. Is that what we want?"

The other vampires nodded in agreement. What if we ended up creating an uncontrollable monster? That was a possibility, but I did not want to believe it. If Ankh-Re was still in control of his fine mind, there was hope. My anger erupted.

"What we should 'want' is to save an honorable vampire who has served us all well." I snapped.

For my outburst, I received shocked and stricken looks. I did not care. I was tired, irritable, and afraid...afraid that I would lose the love of my life. I slapped my forehead with the realization that I just admitted to myself that I loved Ankh-Re.

"Let's all take a deep breath and discuss this" stated the Queen. She walked over to the bar and took a seat on a stool. Ever the fashionista, she wore a form-fitting chocolate colored leather sheath, with a matching jacket and high heels.

Before she crossed her long legs, Lord Bekan had an apple martini in front of her.

"Thank you, Bekan" she said.

While Bekan continued to make drinks from the impressively stocked bar, I went into the bedroom to check on Ankh-Re. He was no longer asleep. His eyes were wide open, and he was in obvious pain. A vein bulged in his forehead with force, as he clenched the bedcover in his fists. His manhood was so huge that it looked as if it would burst through his pants.

"Isis" he said telepathically "I feel like I'm on fire; I feel desire and pain, and it won't go away. I want to feed, and I want to fuck. If it weren't for this lariat, I'd be upon you now. Oh Gods - just kill me and put me out of my misery."

"I will do all that I can to alleviate your pain and save you" I said. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I wiped away my tears, and flipped through my spell/prayer book. As I went through my case of powders and herbs, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Enter" I said, wiping away the last of my tears.

The door opened slowly. Bekan poked his head in.

"Lady Isis - may I assist you in any way?" he enquired. I thought for a moment, then replied "Yes. I need blood from the others. Now. And if you could find a bucket or two..."

"Yes. Of course, my Lady.' He left, closing the door quietly behind him.

"Do you think this will work?" Ankh-Re croaked. His voice startled me for a moment. "I am not sure, Ankh-Re. We know nothing of zombies and their physiology. This is all about educated guesses...I am sorry. If you do not want us to perform the drainage and transfusion, we will not attempt the procedure."

Ankh-Re sighed and turned his face away from me. "I'd rather you try it - or kill me - than leave me as I am."

"Very well then" I replied. "Now - if I can only convince the others to go along with the plan."

I could hear raised voices from the great room. I chose to ignore them as I set up my makeshift altar on the nightstand.

While I arranged the healing crystals and lit the candles to purify the room, the bedroom door opened. Queen Makafisa walked in and stared at Ankh-Re for a moment. The other vampires followed her in; they wanted to see for themselves if Ankh-Re was worth saving.

"He is worth saving" was all I said, as I returned to my work.

"Of course he is worth saving, dear sister" replied Lady Ma-zu, with a genuine look of concern on her lovely face. I immediately felt contrite. Of all of the vampires present, Lady Ma-zu - along with Lord Sebastian and possibly Lord Kratos - would freely give their blood to save Ankh-Re. Lord Gad would too, even though he was mentally disturbed.

The others - the oldest and strongest - were more concerned about self-preservation and maintaining their power. A part of me hated them at that moment, and as such, I kept my mouth shut and my thoughts thoroughly blocked.

Lady Ma-zu got down on her knees at the foot of the bed and began to pray silently. Lord Sebastian joined her. Queen Makafisa raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. After five minutes of silence from the other vampires, she spoke.

"It won't hurt if we all gave blood in varying amounts. The measured amount of blood would decrease as each of us donated blood, from the lowest ranked to the highest. Lord Sebastian could donate two pints of blood, while I could donate a few drops."

"Two pints, Your Majesty?" asked Sebastian, wide-eyed with concern.

"Yes, my young Lord - two pints. If you are feeling faint, and if there is a need, I will revitalize you with my own blood." Sebastian gave a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

"Well" said Lord Bekan "Let us all go into the great room now. I will search the kitchen for cups and measuring devices."

"There are a few more things to consider" said Lord Mikal, as they walked out of the bedroom. "If Ankh-Re chooses to remain a daywalker, he should receive less blood from the nightstalkers...and we will need more blood flowing in his veins than just what we give him. We will need a human or two."

"When the sun sets, I will be happy to procure a human...or two" offered Lady Anala wickedly.

A part of me wanted to say no to killing a human, but Ankh-Re was more important to me than an unknown person I had no connection with. "So be it" I replied.

"Of course, we can all acquire blood from our various donors, thereby avoiding the killing of anyone." stated Lord Gad.

"What a novel idea, Lord Gad" said the Queen, impressed. Gad smiled. "My brain does function on occasion." He went to a window and pulled back the curtain. He was immediately burned by the slash of sunlight that sliced across his face.

"Ouch!" he shouted, yanking the curtain closed.

"Yeah, dimwit" said Lord Aray dryly "It isn't nightfall yet. Duh."

That bit of comic relief relaxed everyone a little bit. In less than five minutes, Lord Gad's face bore no memory of the burn. His skin was flawless once again. As they gathered into the great room, I remained with Ankh-Re.

I took one of his hands in both of mine. He squeezed them tightly.

"Thank you" he said telepathically.

"You are most welcome" I replied.

"I love you" he said next.

"Yes - I know. I love you too."

Ankh-Re smiled weakly, closed his eyes, and loosened his grip.

Lord Bekan gathered pots and large bowls from the kitchen, along with measuring cups and two sharp knives. Lord Sebastian and Lord Pen moved Ankh-Re to the center of the bed, leaving his wrists dangling over the sides. I proceeded to cut away his clothes. When his underwear was removed, Ankh-Re's huge manhood sprung out. "Damn" mumbled Lord Pen "He's got it bad..."

I placed a bowl underneath each wrist.

"There is no need for neither of you to be here while he is being drained" I said.

"Are you sure, Lady Isis?" asked Lord Sebastian.

"She is sure, Sebastian. Lord Ankh-Re still wears The Lariat. We need to start the blood collection process anyway" said Lord Pen.

"Thank you both for your help" I said as they walked out, closing the door behind them.

I stared at Ankh-Re's face for a moment. Despite the sickly greenish-gray color of his skin, he was still beautiful. With one finger, I traced his perfect brows and long thick lashes. His eyes fluttered open.

"I'm ready, Isis" he said telepathically.

I nodded as my finger trailed down his nose to his lips. I kissed him, then said "Okay."

I took one of the knives and made a deep slash across his left wrist. As I cut him, his back arched. "Yes" he murmured "Hurt me..." The blood dripped from the cut slowly into the bowl. I then did the same to his right wrist. His back arched again, and he moaned. In the stillness of the room, the dripping sound seemed deafening.

Next, I made a deep incision to Ankh-Re's left thigh, and inserted a tube - a three foot section of a garden hose - into his femoral artery. The blood flowed from the artery into the first of three available stockpots. "Kiss me. Kill me" he said telepathically. I tried to get his mind off of feeding, sex, pain, and death.

"You like to cook" I said out loud. "You have more pots and pans than Wolfgang Puck."

"Yes" came the faint telepathic reply. "I still owe you a home-cooked meal, remember?" Ankh-Re immediately passed out.

While I exchanged bowls and another stockpot, Queen Makafisa entered the room, with Lord Bekan, who carried a small casket in his arms. "We are almost done with our blood donations" she whispered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty" I whispered back. "I want to apologize for my angry outburst."

She smiled. 'There is no need. We all want what is best for Lord Ankh-Re." She bent over Ankh-Re and gently touched his face.

"While the blood drains, I must begin the Life Ritual, so you two must leave now." She surprised me by kicking off her high heels and getting on her knees at the foot of the bed.

"The Life Ritual?" I asked.

"Yes" replied the Queen. "When all of his blood is drained, Ankh-Re will be more or less dead. When that happens, I will bring him back to life, as I brought back Lord Gad. When I call for our blood, you must bring it to me quickly. Now - you two must go."

© MFH 2011



03:57 Sep 07 2011

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Aug 30 2011

Block User

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Someone has the writing bug... Nice! {:D



Aug 30 2011

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Brilliantly wrote.



Sep 04 2011

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Friggin' awesome!

12:37 Jun 14 2012

Wow....this is just what I needed!

"I slapped my forehead with the realization that I just admitted to myself that I loved Ankh-Re."

I dam well knew it!!!


Time is of the essence.

00:30 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 859

Helene is a true gem. Her perfect organization of events - from the motel departure to the arrival at San Francisco International - transpired effortlessly. The pilot of the Westwind 2 jet and his crew of three were professional and discreet. Although they had to refuel the jet twice - once in Kansas City and again in Flagstaff - we made it to San Francisco in less than five hours. Fortunately for us, Ankh-Re remained asleep during all of the travel.

Once I alighted from the jet, I saw the familiar oxblood-colored Dusenberg waiting for us on the tarmac.

Ankh-Re's chauffeur Anthony stood next to it with Helene at his side. One of the jet's crewmen wheeled Ankh-Re to the car, where he and Anthony helped Ankh-Re into one of the back seats.

"Ma'am" said Helene "Anthony is here instead of Stanley; I thought it would be wise to have him drive us instead, for expediency. Plus - I assumed it would better to attend to Lord Ankh-Re in his home."

"You are absolutely correct in you assumptions and choice, Helene" I replied, while giving her a heartfelt hug. "I love how your mind works."

Helene had the presence of mind to know that it would be safer to take care of Ankh-Re in his own home instead of bringing him to mine. Who knew what he was capable of? I could not risk having a zombie-infected vampire running amok in my house...however, we still needed to stop by the house before going to Ankh-Re's.

When Anthony pulled up to the driveway, the gate was already open. Carlo stood at the entrance; he climbed into the car with us, then Anthony proceeded up the driveway.

I leapt from the car before Anthony had a chance to get out and open the door for me. I burst through the front doors, then bounded up the stairs to my bedroom, taking two to three steps at a time.

For a few seconds, my hand actually trembled as I turned the knob on my safe. I knew what I needed though, and grabbed them up quickly: the case of herbs and powders, the spell/prayer book, cleansing crystals, and the Lariat of Horus.

When I ran down the stairs, I almost knocked Robert over.

"Isis! You're home!" he exclaimed, grabbing me up in a bear hug.

"Yes" I gasped "And now I must leave again. I will explain all of it later." I tore myself from his embrace, and ran back to the car, not looking back.

As soon as I plopped down on the seat next to Ankh-Re, I rushed through the binding incantation, while placing the Lariat of Horus around his neck. Immediately, his taut muscles relaxed, and a sigh came from his mouth. Ankh-Re's eyes opened briefly, revealing a glimpse of gold and green flecks in his hazel eyes.

"Hey, Isis" he murmured. His speech was slurred.

'Hey, Ankh-Re" I whispered back, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. He smiled briefly, then closed his eyes. I got out of the car, and stretched, feeling some relief.

Helene got out of the car and gave a small sigh. Carlo followed, with a look of concern on his face.

"Isis...would you like me to come with you?" he asked.

"No, dear friend. The Lariat of Horus will hold Ankh-Re while I try ro figure out what to do. I will be fine."

Carlo nodded slowly, not saying a word.

"Carlo" I said "I want to thank you again for your friendship." Carlo gave me a slight bow then took one of my hands in his.

'It is I whom am honored, my Lady" he replied, kissing my hand. "If you need me, don't hesitate to call." He then walked towards his car in the driveway.

I turned towards Helene. "What would I do without you, Helene?" I asked, while giving her another hug. Tentatively hugging me back, Helene replied "I'm sure that you'd do whatever needed to be done, ma'am."

"True" I said "But not as expertly as you." Helene relax a little, allowing herself a smile.

As I got back into the car, I looked over my shoulder and said "You will be well-rewarded."

I settled in the back seat next to Ankh-Re, who slept peacefully. If it were not for the sickly greenish cast to his skin, he almost appeared normal. From the rearview mirror, I saw the deep look of concern on Anthony's face. I nodded to him, then he started the engine.

"Anthony - I will do everything in my power to save Ankh-Re. I promise."

As we drove back across the Bay Bridge to San Francisco, I contacted one of my financial institutions, to have $100,000.00 transferred to Helene's personal savings account.

© MFH 2011



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